Release date Imageset Title Authors and references Size Resolution
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CryoEM Dataset of L17-Depleted 50S Ribosomal Intermediates [stack of 131899 particles in MRC format] Davis JH, Tan YZ, Carragher B, Potter CS, Lyumkis D, Williamson JR
[Pubmed: 27912064]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.11.020]
50.3 GB 3.7 - 7.9 Å
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Cryo-iDPC-STEM structure of TMV - convergence semi-angle 4.0 mrad [multiple data sets in TIFF format] Lazić I, Wirix M, Leidl ML, Sachse C
[Pubmed: 36064775]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01586-0]
1.2 GB 3.5 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography reveals that dynactin recruits a team of dyneins for processive motility. [127 tilt series in MRC format] Grotjahn D.A, Lander G.C, Chowdhury S
[Pubmed: 29416113]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41594-018-0027-7]
200.1 GB 38.0 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography on plasma FIB lamellae of HeLa cells [6481 tilt series in EER format] Berger C, Dumoux M, Glen T, Yee NB, Mitchels JM, Patáková Z, Darrow MC, Naismith JH, Grange M
[Pubmed: 36746945]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36372-9]
622.2 GB 4.9 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of the yeast NPC [120 micrographs in MRC format] Nudelman I, Fernandez-Martinez J, Rout MP, Ludtke SJ, Akey CW
[Pubmed: 29539637]
[DOI: 10.1038/nature26003]
127.1 GB 28.0 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of the metazoan membrane-assembled retromer:SNX3 coat containing Wls cargo motif [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Leneva N, Kovtun O, Morado DR, Briggs JAG, Owen DJ
[Pubmed: 33762348]
[DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf8598]
764.9 GB 8.9 - 9.5 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of the fungal membrane-assembled retromer:Grd19 coat containing Kex2 cargo motif [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Leneva N, Kovtun O, Morado DR, Briggs JAG, Owen DJ
[Pubmed: 33762348]
[DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf8598]
347.7 GB 9.2 - 9.5 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of rod outer segments in wild type mice acquired with Volta Phase Plate in focus [2 reconstructed volumes in MRC format] Poege M, Mahamid J, Imanishi SS, Plitzko JM, Palczewski K, Baumeister W
[Pubmed: 34931611]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.72817]
3.0 GB 24.3 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of rod outer segments in wild type mice acquired conventionally with defocus [2 reconstructed volumes in MRC format] Poege M, Mahamid J, Imanishi SS, Plitzko JM, Palczewski K, Baumeister W
[Pubmed: 34931611]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.72817]
4.1 GB 19.3 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of rod outer segments in ABCA4 knockout mice acquired with Volta phase plate in focus [2 reconstructed volumes in MRC format] Poege M, Mahamid J, Imanishi SS, Plitzko JM, Palczewski K, Baumeister W
[Pubmed: 34931611]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.72817]
3.0 GB 29.1 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of microtubules assembled in Xenopus egg cytoplasmic extracts [6 tilt series in MRC format] Guyomar C, Bousquet C, Ku S, Heumann J, Guilloux G, Gaillard N, Heichette C, Duchesne L, Steinmetz MO, Gibeaux R, Chrétien D
[Pubmed: 36503602]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.83021]
12.1 GB 43.3 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of microtubules assembled from purified porcine brain tubulin in the presence of GTP [4 reconstructed volumes in MRC format] Guyomar C, Bousquet C, Ku S, Heumann J, Guilloux G, Gaillard N, Heichette C, Duchesne L, Steinmetz MO, Gibeaux R, Chrétien D
[Pubmed: 36503602]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.83021]
8.4 GB 25.0 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of microtubules assembled from purified porcine brain tubulin in the presence of GMPCPP [8 tilt series in MRC format] Guyomar C, Bousquet C, Ku S, Heumann J, Guilloux G, Gaillard N, Heichette C, Duchesne L, Steinmetz MO, Gibeaux R, Chrétien D
[Pubmed: 36503602]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.83021]
76.1 GB 43.5 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of immature HIV-1 dMACANC VLPs [43 multi-frame micrographs composed of 8 frames each in MRC format] Schur FK, Obr M, Hagen WJ, Wan W, Jakobi AJ, Kirkpatrick JM, Sachse C, Krausslich HG, Briggs JA, Turoňová B
[Pubmed: 27417497]
[DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf9620]
865.0 GB 3.4 - 3.9 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of JCVI-Syn3A (small cell) [multiple data sets in MRC and TIFF formats] Lam V, Villa E, Thornburg ZR
[Pubmed: 34368224]
[DOI: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.644133]
6.4 GB
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Cryo-electron tomography of JCVI-Syn3A (large cell) [multiple data sets in MRC and TIFF formats] Lam V, Villa E, Thornburg ZR
[Pubmed: 34368224]
[DOI: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.644133]
6.5 GB
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Cryo-electron tomography of HIV-1 GagdeltaMASP1T8I assemblies [5 tilt series in MRC format] Ni T, Frosio T, Mendonça L, Sheng Y, Clare D, Himes BA, Zhang P
[Pubmed: 35022621]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41596-021-00648-5]
25.6 GB 4.5 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of GEM2-labelled Mito-EGFP in HeLa cells [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Fung HKH, Hayashi Y, Salo VT, Babenko A, Zagoriy I, Brunner A, Ellenberg J, Müller CW, Cuylen-Haering S, Mahamid J
174.2 GB 13.7 - 31.3 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of FIB-milled Caulobacter crescentus expressing WT PopZ [multiple data sets in MRC and TIFF formats] Lasker K, Lam V, Villa E
[Pubmed: 36163138]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33221-z]
7.1 GB
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Cryo-electron tomography of FIB-milled Caulobacter crescentus expressing PopZ with IDR-156 and pentavalent OD [multiple data sets in MRC and TIFF formats] Lasker K, Lam V, Villa E
[Pubmed: 36163138]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33221-z]
5.9 GB
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Cryo-electron tomography of FIB-milled Caulobacter crescentus expressing PopZ with IDR-156 [multiple data sets in MRC and TIFF formats] Lasker K, Lam V, Villa E
[Pubmed: 36163138]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33221-z]
5.5 GB
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Cryo-electron tomography of E. coli minicells [17 multi-frame micrographs composed of 5 frames each in MRC format] Burt A., Desfosses A., Gutsche I., Clare D. K
[Pubmed: 32029744]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14350-9]
141.7 GB 16.0 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of Cryo-FIB milled dividing E. coli. [60 multi-frame micrographs composed of 4 frames each in TIFF format] Navarro PP, Vettiger A, Ananda VY, Llopis PM, Allolio C, Bernhardt TG, Chao LH
[Pubmed: 36097171]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41564-022-01210-z]
81.5 GB
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Cryo-electron tomography of Cryo-FIB milled dividing E. coli ftsN SPOR domain deletion strain. [60 multi-frame micrographs composed of 4 frames each in MRC format] Navarro PP, Vettiger A, Ananda VY, Llopis PM, Allolio C, Bernhardt TG, Chao LH
[Pubmed: 36097171]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41564-022-01210-z]
189.1 GB
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Cryo-electron tomography of Cryo-FIB milled dividing E. coli ftsL* strain. [60 multi-frame micrographs composed of 4 frames each in MRC format] Navarro PP, Vettiger A, Ananda VY, Llopis PM, Allolio C, Bernhardt TG, Chao LH
[Pubmed: 36097171]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41564-022-01210-z]
67.2 GB

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Rigden DJ, Fernández XM. (2023)
Iudin A, Korir PK, Somasundharam S, Weyand S, Cattavitello C, Fonseca N, Salih O, Kleywegt GJ, Patwardhan A. (2023)
Serra Lleti JM, Steyer AM, Schieber NL, Neumann B, Tischer C, Hilsenstein V, Holtstrom M, Unrau D, Kirmse R, Lucocq JM, Pepperkok R, Schwab Y. (2023)
Caldwell BJ, Norris AS, Karbowski CF, Wiegand AM, Wysocki VH, Bell CE. (2022)