Release date Imageset Title Authors and references Size Resolution
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Cryo-electron tomography of ChAdOx spikes HexaPro mutant [68 tilt series in MRC format] Ni T, Mendonca L, Zhu Y, Howe A, Radecke J, Sheng Y, Krebs AS, Shah P, Allen E, Spencer A, Morris S, Stuart D, Gilbert S, Zhang P
240.3 GB 9.0 - 10.6 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of the metazoan membrane-assembled retromer:SNX3 coat containing Wls cargo motif [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Leneva N, Kovtun O, Morado DR, Briggs JAG, Owen DJ
[Pubmed: 33762348]
[DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abf8598]
764.9 GB 8.9 - 9.5 Å
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In situ cryo-electron tomography of E. amylovora cells infected by the jumbo bacteriophage RAY [multiple data sets in TIFF format] Prichard A, Lee J, Laughlin TG, Lee A, Thomas KP, Sy A, Spencer T, Asavavimol A, Cafferata A, Cameron M, Chiu N, Davydov D, Desai I, Diaz G, Guereca M, Hearst K, Huang L, Jacobs E, Johnson A, Kahn S, Koch R, Martinez A, Norquist M, Pau T, Prasad G, Saam K, Sandhu M, Sarabria AJ, Schumaker S, Sonin S, Sonin A, Uyeno A, Zhao A, Corbett K, Pogliano K, Meyer J, Grose JH, Villa E, Dutton R, Pogliano J
[Pubmed: 36865095]
[DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.24.529968]
244.3 GB 8.9 - 38.0 Å
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Multishot Tomography for High-Resolution In Situ Subtomogram Averaging: E.coli cryo-FIB lamellae multishot [30 tilt series in MRC format] Khavnekar S, Erdmann PS, Plitzko JM
[Pubmed: 36343843]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2022.107911]
90.7 GB 8.8 Å
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In situ cryo-electron tomography of E. coli APEC 2248 infected by Goslar [1073 tilt series in TIFF format] Laughlin TG, Deep A, Prichard AM, Seitz C, Gu Y, Enustun E, Suslov S, Khanna K, Birkholz EA, Armbruster E, McCammon JA, Amaro RE, Pogliano J, Corbett KD, Villa E
[Pubmed: 35922510]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05013-4]
52.2 GB 8.53 - 27.0 Å
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Cryo-EM of HCoV-NL63 5' proximal stem-loop 5 [multiple data sets in MRC format] Kretsch RC, Xu L, Zheludev IN, Zhou X, Huang R, Nye G, Li S, Zhang K, Chiu W, Das R
[Pubmed: 38076883]
[DOI: 10.1101/2023.11.22.567964]
10.2 TB 8.4 - 9.0 Å
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Single particle cryo-EM dataset of the Vairimorpha necatrix 26S proteasome from sporoplasms [2658 multi-frame micrographs composed of 2700 frames each in EER format] Jespersen N, Ehrenbolger K, Winiger RR, Svedberg D, Vossbrinck CR, Barandun J
[Pubmed: 36379934]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34691-x]
3.7 TB 8.3 Å
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Motion corrected micrographs - purified SINV/EEEV particles and recombinant anti-EEEV Fab (EEEV-143) [3535 micrographs in MRC format] Williamson LE, Gilliland T, Yadav PK, Binshtein E, Bombardi R, Kose N, Nargi RS, Sutton RE, Durie CL, Armstrong E, Carnahan RH, Walker LM, Kim AS, Fox JM, Diamond MS, Ohi MD, Klimstra WB, Crowe JE
[Pubmed: 33301709]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.11.011]
187.5 GB 8.3 Å
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Parallel cryo electron tomography (PACE-tomo) of 80S ribosomes in situ [multiple data sets in MRC format] Eisenstein F, Danev R
[Pubmed: 36456783]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01690-1]
132.3 GB 8.2 Å
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Cryo-EM Structure of GluD1-Orphan Delta Receptor Reveals a Novel Architecture in the Ionotropic Glutamate Receptor Family [3938 multi-frame micrographs composed of 40 frames each in MRC format] Burada AP, Vinnakota R, Kumar J
[Pubmed: 31925409]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41594-019-0359-y]
6.5 TB 8.1 Å
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Di nucleosome fraction from metaphase chromosome in Xenopus egg extract lot1 [1386 multi-frame micrographs composed of 50 frames each in TIFF format] Arimura YA, Funabiki HF
[Pubmed: 34478647]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.08.010]
825.4 GB 8.1 Å
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CryoEM map of designed helical fusion protein C5_HFuse-3921 [6761 multi-frame micrographs composed of 50 frames each in TIFF format] Redler RL, Edman NI, Baker D, Ekiert D, Bhabha G
[Pubmed: 33863889]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22276-z]
2.0 TB 8.06 Å
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Single particle cryo-EM dataset of partially contracted cowpea chlorotic mottle virus in laser-melted and revitrified ice [7902 multi-frame micrographs composed of 40 frames each in EER format] Harder OF, Barrass SV, Drabbels M, Lorenz UJ
[Pubmed: 37704664]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-41444-x]
3.9 TB 8.0 Å
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In vitro assembled bacteriophage phi6 polymerase complex [stack of 798 particles in MRC format] Ilca SL, Kotecha A, Sun X, Poranen MP, Stuart DI, Huiskonen JT
[Pubmed: 26534841]
[DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9843]
8.1 GB 7.9 Å
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GroEL dataset - NRAMM (06jul12a) [186 micrographs in MRC format] Stagg SM, Lander GC, Pulokas J, Fellmann D, Cheng A, Quispe JD, Mallick SP, Avila RM, Carragher B, Potter CS
[Pubmed: 16762565]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2006.04.005]
7.0 GB 7.8 Å
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Cryo-EM of SARS-CoV-2 5' proximal stem-loops 5-6 [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Kretsch RC, Xu L, Zheludev IN, Zhou X, Huang R, Nye G, Li S, Zhang K, Chiu W, Das R
[Pubmed: 38427602]
[DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2320493121]
2.8 TB 7.8 Å
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Cryo-EM of SARS-CoV-2 5' proximal stem-loops 5-6 with SL6 extended and SL5a, SL5b, and SL5c removed [16511 multi-frame micrographs composed of 40 frames each in MRC format] Kretsch RC, Xu L, Zheludev IN, Zhou X, Huang R, Nye G, Li S, Zhang K, Chiu W, Das R
[Pubmed: 38427602]
[DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2320493121]
20.2 TB 7.8 Å
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Single-particle Cryo-EM of the endogenous human BAF complex alone [4865 micrographs in MRC format] Suzuki H, Mashtalir N, Kadoch C, Walz T
[Pubmed: 33053319]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.09.051]
258.1 GB 7.8 Å
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HMP1/alpha-catenin monomer [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Rangarajan ES, Smith EW, Izard T
[Pubmed: 36539037]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102817]
7.3 TB 7.8 Å
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Structure of the herpes-simplex virus portal-vertex [3818 micrographs in MRC format] McElwee M, Vijayakrishnan S, Rixon FJ, Bhella D
[Pubmed: 29924793]
[DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2006191]
238.6 GB 7.7 Å
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Subtomogram averaging and classification of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins on intact virions [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Ke Z, Oton J, Cortese M, Zila V, Zivanov J, Lu JM, Peukes J, Scheres SHW, Briggs JAG
[Pubmed: 32805734]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2665-2]
372.4 GB 7.7 - 9.9 Å
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Single-particle cryoEM data of yeast Ubr1 (apo) [5912 multi-frame micrographs composed of 40 frames each in TIFF format] Pan M, Zhao M
[Pubmed: 34789879]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04097-8]
3.2 TB 7.69 Å
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Human PRPH2-ROM1 oligomers [multiple data sets in TIFF format] El Mazouni D
[Pubmed: 36351012]
[DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.add3677]
6.0 TB 7.6 - 8.2 Å
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GluK2/K5 apo [970 multi-frame micrographs composed of 40 frames each in TIFF format] Khanra N, Meyerson J
[Pubmed: 33724189]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.66097]
230.4 GB 7.5 Å
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Cryo-EM of SARS-CoV-2 5' proximal stem-loops 5-6 with SL5b extended [multiple data sets in MRC format] Kretsch RC, Xu L, Zheludev IN, Zhou X, Huang R, Nye G, Li S, Zhang K, Chiu W, Das R
[Pubmed: 38427602]
[DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2320493121]
14.8 TB 7.4 Å

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Rigden DJ, Fernández XM. (2023)
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