Release date Imageset Title Authors and references Size Resolution
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Cryo micrographs of microtubules (GDP state) decorated with NDC-NDC chimera of human doublecortin [950 multi-frame micrographs composed of 32 frames each in MRC format] Cook AD, Manka SW, Wang S, Moores CA, Atherton J
[Pubmed: 31610239]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2019.10.004]
50.4 GB 4.5 Å
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The cryo-EM structure of the CENP-A nucleosome in complex with the phosphorylated CENP-C: CENP-A nucleosome in complex with phosphorylated CENP-C C-terminal domain (601-864) and CENP-N N-terminal domain (1-211) [8017 multi-frame micrographs composed of 50 frames each in TIFF format] Ariyoshi M, Makino F, Watanabe R, Nakagawa R, Kato T, Namba K, Arimura Y, Fujita R, Kurumizaka H, Okumura EI, Hara M, Fukagawa T
[Pubmed: 33463726]
[DOI: 10.15252/embj.2020105671]
1.6 TB 4.5 - 7.8 Å
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Single Particle Cryo Electron Microscopy Structure of the Dsl1 Complex bound to the SNAREs Sec20 and Use1 [multiple data sets in MRC format] DAmico KD
[Pubmed: 38196032]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41594-023-01164-8]
9.7 TB 4.5 Å
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Cryo electron microscopy of RyR1 in the presence and abscence of Ca, Caffeine and ATP ligands [stack of 791956 particles in SPIDER format] Dashti A
[Pubmed: 32948759]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-18403-x]
334.2 GB 4.5 Å
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Raw movies and final particle stack for a dataset of bL17-limited E. coli ribosome assembly intermediates. [multiple data sets in MRCS and MRC formats] Rabuck-Gibbons JN, Lyumkis D, Williamson JR
[Pubmed: 34990602]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2021.12.005]
1.3 TB 4.5 - 13.6 Å
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Structure of RecT protein from Listeria innoccua phage A118 in complex with 83-mer single stranded DNA [1619 multi-frame micrographs composed of 45 frames each in TIFF format] Bell CE
[Pubmed: 36543802]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-35572-z]
822.3 GB 4.5 Å
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Conformational Landscape of the p28-Bound Human Proteasome Regulatory Particle [stack of 117471 particles in MRCS format] Lu Y, Wu J, Dong Y, Chen S, Sun S, Ma YB, Ouyang Q, Finley D, Kirschner MW, Mao Y
[Pubmed: 28689658]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2017.06.007]
70.0 GB 4.5 - 8.9 Å
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Cryo electron tomography of H. neapolitanus alpha-carboxysomes [multiple data sets in MRC format] Metskas LA, Ortega D, Oltrogge LM, Blikstad C, Laughlin T, Savage DF, Jensen GJ
[Pubmed: 35982043]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32584-7]
483.4 GB 4.5 Å
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Cryo-electron tomography of HIV-1 GagdeltaMASP1T8I assemblies [5 tilt series in MRC format] Ni T, Frosio T, Mendonça L, Sheng Y, Clare D, Himes BA, Zhang P
[Pubmed: 35022621]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41596-021-00648-5]
25.6 GB 4.5 Å
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C-terminal half of LRRK2 (I2020T) bound to microtubule in presence of MLi-2 kinase inhibitor [2354 multi-frame micrographs composed of 55 frames each in TIFF format] Matyszewski M, Leschziner AE
[Pubmed: 36510024]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41594-022-00863-y]
684.8 GB 4.5 - 18.0 Å
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Conformational Dynamics of human Bact spliceosome [multiple data sets in MRC format] Haselbach D, Stark H
[Pubmed: 29361316]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.01.010]
2.8 TB 4.5 - 16.0 Å
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Data set of tilted cryo-EM images of human N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase 1 [multiple data sets in TIFF format] Vallet SD, Annaval T, Wild R, Lortat-Jacob H
[DOI: 10.1002/pgr2.8]
1.9 TB 4.5 Å
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Micrographs of ER-derived vesicles from HEK293F cells [893 multi-frame micrographs composed of 8 frames each in TIFF format] Gemmer M, Chaillet ML, van Loenhout J, Cuevas Arenas R, Vismpas D, Gröllers-Mulderij M, Koh FA, Albanese P, Scheltema RA, Howes SC, Kotecha A, Fedry J, Förster F
[Pubmed: 36697828]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05638-5]
1.1 TB 4.5 - 9.3 Å
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Tilt series of authentic mumps virus nucleocapsid isolated from lysate of chronically infected HeLa cells under arsenite stress [840 tilt series in TIFF format] Zhang X, Mahamid J 27.9 GB 4.5 - 6.3 Å
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Open linker DNA nucleosome reconstituted with GUB DNA [1576 multi-frame micrographs composed of 50 frames each in TIFF format] Arimura YA, Funabiki HF
[Pubmed: 34478647]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.08.010]
777.0 GB 4.52 Å
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Single particle cryo-EM dataset of mouse heavy chain apoferritin in plunge-frozen vitrified ice [167 multi-frame micrographs composed of 30 frames each in MRC format] Harder OF, Voss JM, Olshin PK, Drabbels M, Lorenz UJ
[Pubmed: 35775987]
[DOI: 10.1107/S205979832200554X]
82.8 GB 4.57 Å
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Rabbit Muscle Aldolase 20% glycerol, 300kV [2608 multi-frame micrographs composed of 50 frames each in TIFF format] Basanta B, Hirschi M, Lander GC
[Pubmed: 34981768]
[DOI: 10.1107/S2059798321012110]
580.1 GB 4.6 Å
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Single particle cryo-EM of the human CST•Polα/Primase (POLA1ΔN) complex in a recruitment state [9885 micrographs in MRC format] Cai SW
[Pubmed: 35578024]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41594-022-00766-y]
869.0 GB 4.6 Å
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Optimizing Cryo-FIB Lamellas for sub-5Å in situ Structural Biology [multiple data sets in MRC format] Khavnekar S, Vrbovská V, Zaoralová M, Kelley R, Beck F, Kotecha A, Plitzko JM, Erdmann PS
[DOI: 10.1101/2022.06.16.496417]
1.5 TB 4.6 Å
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Volta phase plate data collection facilitates image processing and cryo-EM structure determination [219 multi-frame micrographs composed of 30 frames each in TIFF format] von Loeffelholz O, Klaholz BP
[Pubmed: 29337113]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2018.01.003]
45.9 GB 4.6 Å
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CryoEM single particle dataset of delta-latroinsectotoxin dimer [2338 multi-frame micrographs composed of 60 frames each in TIFF format] Gatsogiannis C, Chen M
[Pubmed: 34845192]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26562-8]
1.4 TB 4.63 Å
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Single particle cryo-EM dataset of the triskelion hub subparticle extraction from clathrin cages [multiple data sets in MRCS format] Morris KL, Jones JR, Halebian M, Wu S, Baker M, Armache JP, Avila Ibarra A, Sessions RB, Cameron AD, Cheng Y, Smith CJ
[Pubmed: 31582853]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41594-019-0292-0]
88.4 GB 4.69 - 7.79 Å
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CryoEM micrographs of slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata) hemocyanin [856 multi-frame micrographs composed of 30 frames each in MRC format] Young MT, Pasqualetto G, Clare D
[Pubmed: 37347755]
[DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287294]
802.5 GB 4.7 - 7.0 Å
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Raw data for the 3D structure of horse spleen apoferritin determined by electron cryomicroscopy [multiple data sets in MRC format] Russo CJ, Passmore LA
[Pubmed: 25504723]
[DOI: 10.1126/science.1259530]
180.0 GB 4.7 Å
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Multishot Tomography for High-Resolution In Situ Subtomogram Averaging: RiboProt singleshot [39 tilt series in MRC format] Khavnekar S, Erdmann PSE, Plitzko J
[Pubmed: 36343843]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2022.107911]
122.2 GB 4.7 - 7.8 Å

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Rigden DJ, Fernández XM. (2023)
Iudin A, Korir PK, Somasundharam S, Weyand S, Cattavitello C, Fonseca N, Salih O, Kleywegt GJ, Patwardhan A. (2023)
Serra Lleti JM, Steyer AM, Schieber NL, Neumann B, Tischer C, Hilsenstein V, Holtstrom M, Unrau D, Kirmse R, Lucocq JM, Pepperkok R, Schwab Y. (2023)
Caldwell BJ, Norris AS, Karbowski CF, Wiegand AM, Wysocki VH, Bell CE. (2022)