Release date Imageset Title Authors and references Size Resolution
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Training data set for automated 2D class selection [18051 class averages in MRCS format] Kimanius D, Dong L, Sharov G, Nakane T, Scheres SHW
[Pubmed: 34783343]
[DOI: 10.1042/bcj20210708]
20.7 GB
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Cryo electron tomography of muscle tissue lamella from mice [1 tilt series in MRC format] Zhang J, Zhang D, Sun L, Ji G, Huang X, Niu T, Xu J, Ma C, Zhu Y, Gao N, Xu W, Sun F
[Pubmed: 34174447]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2021.107763]
1.3 GB
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Cryo electron tomography of spinach leaf tissue [1 tilt series in MRC format] Zhang J, Zhang D, Sun L, Ji G, Huang X, Niu T, Xu J, Ma C, Zhu Y, Gao N, Xu W, Sun F
[Pubmed: 34174447]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2021.107763]
2.2 GB
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Cryo electron tomograms of mouse DRG axons (dataset 1) [multiple data sets in MRC format] Foster HE, Ventura Santos C, Carter AP
[Pubmed: 34878519]
[DOI: 10.1083/jcb.202103154]
200.8 GB
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Automatically collected tilt series on cryoFIB milled lamellae of Baker's Yeast [multiple data sets in TIFF and MRC formats] Eisenstein F, Fukuda Y, Danev R
[DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.14.571776]
1.2 TB
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Micro X ray tomography of mesoscopic placental tissue [multiple data sets in TIFF and BIG DATA VIEWER HDF5 formats] Tun W, Poologasundarampillai G, Bischof H, Nye G, King ONF, Basham M, Tokudome M, Lewis RM, Johnstone ED, Brownbill P, Darrow M, Chernyavsky IL
75.3 GB
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Cryo-Electron Tomography of Zebra Fish Muscle Tissue Biopsy [1 tilt series in MRC format] Gervinskas G, Trepout S, Venugopal H, Ramm G
37.6 GB
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Micro X ray tomography of mesoscopic placental tissue [multiple data sets in TIFF and BIG DATA VIEWER HDF5 formats] Tun WM, Poologasundarampillai G, Bischof H, Nye G, King ONF, Basham M, Tokudome Y, Lewis RM, Johnstone ED, Brownbill P, Darrow M, Chernyavsky IL
50.5 GB
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Benchmark FIB SEM data of HeLa cells previously imaged by Zeiss LSM900 Airyscan microscopy [multiple data sets in TIFF format] Peddie CJ, Domart MC, Collinson L
1.7 TB
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Cryo-Electron Tomography of Mouse Kidney Tissue Biopsy [1 tilt series in MRC format] Gervinskas G, Trepout S, Venugopal H, Ramm G
31.8 GB
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SBF-SEM of ring-stage malaria parasite infected red blood cell [120 micrographs in MRC format] Sakaguchi M, Miyazaki N, Fujioka H, Kaneko O, Murata K
[Pubmed: 26772147]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2016.01.003]
293.0 MB
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Molecular structure and conformation of stereocilia tip-links elucidated by cryo-electron tomography [multiple data sets in MRC format] Elferich J, Clark S, Ge J, Goehring A, Matsui A, Gouaux E
[Pubmed: 34964715]
[DOI: 10.7554/eLife.74512]
58.5 GB
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Cryo-Electron Tomography of Mouse Brain Tissue Biopsy [1 tilt series in MRC format] Gervinskas G, Trepout S, Venugopal H, Ramm G
38.5 GB
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SBF-SEM of trophozoite-stage malaria parasite infected red blood cell [110 micrographs in MRC format] Sakaguchi M, Miyazaki N, Fujioka H, Kaneko O, Murata K
[Pubmed: 26772147]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2016.01.003]
268.6 MB
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Cryo-Electron Tomography of Golgi Apparatus from a Zebra Fish Embryo [1 tilt series in MRC format] Gervinskas G, Trepout S, Venugopal H, Ramm G
27.6 GB
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SBF-SEM of early schizont-stage malaria parasite infected red blood cell [80 micrographs in MRC format] Sakaguchi M, Miyazaki N, Fujioka H, Kaneko O, Murata K
[Pubmed: 26772147]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2016.01.003]
222.1 MB
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FIB-SEM of parapodia from Platynereis dumerilii [multiple data sets in TIFF format] Hennies J, Lleti JMS, Schieber NL, Templin RM, Steyer AM, Schwab Y
[Pubmed: 32029771]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58736-7]
84.9 GB
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In situ cryo-electron tomography of the C. reinhardtii ciliary transition zone [multiple data sets in MRC and EM formats] van den Hoek H, Klena N, Jordan MA, Alvarez Viar G, Righetto RD, Schaffer M, Erdmann PS, Wan W, Geimer S, Plitzko JM, Baumeister W, Pigino G, Hamel V, Guichard P, Engel BD
[Pubmed: 35901159]
[DOI: 10.1126/science.abm6704]
302.0 GB
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SBF-SEM of late schizont-stage malaria parasite infected red blood cell [90 micrographs in MRC format] Sakaguchi M, Miyazaki N, Fujioka H, Kaneko O, Murata K
[Pubmed: 26772147]
[DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2016.01.003]
219.7 MB
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FIB-SEM of a HeLa cell [multiple data sets in TIFF format] Hennies J, Lleti JMS, Schieber NL, Templin RM, Steyer AM, Schwab Y
[Pubmed: 32029771]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58736-7]
94.0 GB
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Spatial Intra- and Intercellular Alignment of Respiratory Cilia and its Relation to Function [16 multi-frame micrographs composed of 100 frames each in MRC format] Schneiter M, Halm S, Odriozola A, Mogel H, Rička J, Stoffel MH, Zuber B, Frenz M, Tschanz SA
[DOI: 10.1101/735332]
67.5 GB
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FIB-SEM dataset showing localization of a Golgi matrix protein GM130 in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell (Huh-7) [564 reconstructed volumes in TIFF format] Belevich I, Jokitalo E
1.1 GB
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The Cryo-EM 3D image reconstruction of isolated Lethocerus indicus Z-discs [3 tilt series in MRC format] Yeganeh FA, Summerill C, Hu Z, Rahmani H, Taylor DW, Taylor KA
[Pubmed: 37661214]
[DOI: 10.1007/s10974-023-09657-1]
23.0 GB
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SBF-SEM datasets of chaetoblasts constructing bristles in Platynereis dumerilii [multiple data sets in PNG format] Ikeda KN, Belevich I, Zelaya-Lainez L, Orel L, Füssl J, Gumulec J, Hellmich C, Jokitalo E, Raible F
[Pubmed: 38740737]
[DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-48044-3]
79.7 GB
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Electron cryotomography of cryosectioned budding yeast cells [29 class averages in MRC format] Chen C, Lim HH, Shi J, Tamura S, Maeshima M, Surana U, Gan L
[Pubmed: 27605704]
[DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E16-07-0506]
125.3 GB

Ito F, Alvarez-Cabrera AL, Liu S, Yang H, Shiriaeva A, Zhou ZH, Chen XS. (2023)
Rigden DJ, Fernández XM. (2023)
Iudin A, Korir PK, Somasundharam S, Weyand S, Cattavitello C, Fonseca N, Salih O, Kleywegt GJ, Patwardhan A. (2023)
Serra Lleti JM, Steyer AM, Schieber NL, Neumann B, Tischer C, Hilsenstein V, Holtstrom M, Unrau D, Kirmse R, Lucocq JM, Pepperkok R, Schwab Y. (2023)
Caldwell BJ, Norris AS, Karbowski CF, Wiegand AM, Wysocki VH, Bell CE. (2022)