Desulfonema ishimotonii Cas7-11 in complex with Csx29 and Csx30 [multiple data sets in TIFF format]

RNA-activated protein cleavage with a CRISPR-associated endopeptidase

Strecker J, Demircioglu FE, Li D, Faure G, Wilkinson ME, Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Nishimasu H, Macrae RK, Zhang F

Science 378 (2022) 874-881

PMID: 36423276

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5.66 TB
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  • micrographs - multiframe
1. Unaligned movies of the Cas7-11-crRNA-Csx29 complex (Dataset_inactive_CASP)
micrographs - multiframe
Image format:
No. of images or tilt series:
Image size:
(5760, 4092)
Pixel type:
Pixel spacing:
(0.6632, 0.6632)
Unaligned, non-gain-normalised, 31-frame movies from a Bioquantum-K3 camera recorded in super-resolution mode with twofold binning at 130,000× magnification. 16553 movies were collected with EPU on the MIT.nano Titan Krios G3i operated at 300 kV. Each micrograph accumulates 40 electrons per square Angstrom over 31 frames (0.69 s). Nominal pixel size is 0.6632 Å/pixel. Gain reference image for the dataset is attached. Final refinement star files produced from focused refinements for each reconstruction deposited on EMDB are also attached: EMD-28064 at 3.0 Å resolution, and EMD-28070 at 3.2 Å resolution. Data was processed in RELION 4.0.

Further details about the dataset:

Grid: Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 on 300 copper mesh
C2 aperture: 50 um
Spot: 4
Beam diameter: 0.75 um
EF slit: 20 eV
Acquisition pattern: 4 shots/hole x 12 um AFIS
Physical Pixel: 0.6632 A/pix
SuperRes pixel: 0.3316 A/pix
Exposure rate: 25.53 e/pix/s
Exposure time: 0.69 s
Total exposure: 40.07 e/A2
Frames: 31
Defocus: 0.5 - 2 um
2. Unaligned movies of the Cas7-11-crRNA-target RNA-Csx29-Csx30 complex (Dataset_active_CASP)
micrographs - multiframe
Image format:
No. of images or tilt series:
Image size:
(5760, 4092)
Pixel type:
Pixel spacing:
(0.6632, 0.6632)
Unaligned, non-gain-normalised, 31-frame movies from a Bioquantum-K3 camera recorded in super-resolution mode with twofold binning at 130,000× magnification. 32890 movies were collected with EPU on the MIT.nano Titan Krios G3i operated at 300 kV. Each micrograph accumulates 40 electrons per square Angstrom over 31 frames (0.69 s). Nominal pixel size is 0.6632 Å/pixel. Gain reference image for the dataset is attached. Final refinement star files produced from focused refinements for each reconstruction deposited on EMDB are also attached: EMD-28065 at 2.5 Å resolution, EMD-28071 at 2.8 Å resolution, EMD-28072 at 2.6 Å resolution, and EMD-28073 at 2.7 Å resolution. Only one-third of the dataset was used during processing in RELION 4.0.

Further details about the dataset:

Grid: Quantifoil R1.2/1.3 on 300 copper mesh
C2 aperture: 50 um
Spot: 4
Beam diameter: 0.75 um
EF slit: 20 eV
Acquisition pattern: 4 shots/hole x 12 um AFIS
Physical Pixel: 0.6632 A/pix
SuperRes pixel: 0.3316 A/pix
Exposure rate: 25.53 e/pix/s
Exposure time: 0.69 s
Total exposure: 40.07 e/A2
Frames: 31
Defocus: 0.5 - 2 um
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