Cryo-EM reconstruction of TMEM106B fold I-d filaments from case 18 with multiple system atrophy [5697 multi-frame micrographs composed of 54 frames each in TIFF format]

Age-dependent formation of TMEM106B amyloid filaments in human brains

Schweighauser M, Arseni D, Bacioglu M, Huang M, Lövestam S, Shi Y, Yang Y, Zhang W, Kotecha A, Garringer HJ, Vidal R, Hallinan GI, Newell KL, Tarutani A, Murayama S, Miyazaki M, Saito Y, Yoshida M, Hasegawa K, Lashley T, Revesz T, Kovacs GG, van Swieten J, Takao M, Hasegawa M, Ghetti B, Spillantini MG, Ryskeldi-Falcon B, Murzin AG, Goedert M, Scheres SHW

Nature 605 (2022) 310-314

PMID: 35344985

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1.04 TB
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  • micrographs - multiframe
1. Unaligned multi-frame movies
micrographs - multiframe
Image format:
No. of images or tilt series:
Image size:
(3838, 3710)
Pixel type:
Pixel spacing:
(1.15, 1.15)
Movies were recorded automatically using EPU on a K2 camera in counting mode on a Titan Krios microscope operated at 300 kV (Cs=2.7) equipped with an energy filter using a slit width of 20 eV. The files were written as gain-unnormalised integer MRC files by EPU and then converted to TIFF files by mrc2tif in the IMOD suite. During this process, the pixel size in the header was lost. The real pixel size is 1.15 A/px. The dose rates are 0.91 and 0.89 e/A2/frame for Dataset1 and Dataset2, respectively. The gain references are provided for each dataset and should be used without any rotation or flipping.

data/TMEM106B_Case18/start_end_coordinates contains start-end coordinates of the manually picked filaments from datasets 1 and 2.

data/TMEM106B_Case18/run_data_TMEM10B_Case18_job534.star is the RELION-3.1 STAR file containing the metadata of the final refined segments.
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