Characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 S Protein: Biophysical, Biochemical, Structural, and Antigenic Analysis
Herrera NG, Morano NC, Celikgil A, Georgiev GI, Malonis R, Lee JH, Tong K, Vergnolle O, Massimi A, Yen LY, Noble AJ, Kopylov M, Bonanno JB, Garrett-Thomson SC, Hayes DB, Bortz R, Wirchnianski A, Florez C, Laudermilch E, Haslwanter D, Fels J, Dieterle M, Jangra R, Barnhill J, Mengotto A, Kimmel D, Daily J, Pirofski L, Chandran K, Brenowitz M, Garforth S, Eng E, Lai JR, Almo SC
ACS omega (2020)